Abacus Care & Support

Blue Monday: responding to the Urban Myth

The concept of ‘Blue Monday’ – the so-called most depressing day of the year – was created for an advertising campaign 20 years ago. We know by now that the ‘science’ behind this urban myth is somewhat shaky, but many of us do find this time of the year a real struggle.  

The festive celebrations are well and truly over, the weather is cold and dreary, and it’s already dark when we clock off for the day; January can be hard work.  

Our mental health is something we should protect and nurture all year round. Nevertheless, ‘Blue Monday’ is a great reminder to check in with how we’re really feeling right now. 

1. It’s Okay to Feel Blue 

It’s totally normal to feel down on or around Blue Monday. It doesn’t make us odd or strange – or an irredeemable victim of marketing – if we’re feeling down. 

Acknowledging and making space for how you feel, without judging those feelings, is really important. When you’re feeling blue, you might spend some time trying to name the emotions and physical sensations that arise in a non-judgemental way.  

Are you sad, worried, anxious, frustrated, ashamed? Do you feel hot, cold, tense, weak, deflated? Do you feel the urge to shout, get rid of pent-up energy, collapse and make yourself small?  

You may find that when you shine a light on how you feel, and give name to those feelings, that they lose some of their painful sting.  

It is okay to feel blue. Recognizing how you feel now is a powerful first step towards feeling better ‘next’. 

2. Practical Tools for Beating the Blues 

There are plenty of things you can try to elevate your mood. The beauty of our complex mind and body systems is that we are all unique, and so are our emotions and sensations. These ‘blues-busting tips’ will have a different impact on each of us; they may work great for you, or give you ideas about what things might work better in your own ‘mental health tool-box’. 

#1 : Get Moving

Moving your body increases endorphins and helps you keep healthy; exercise can be a great mood booster.  

You’re more likely to keep it up (and less likely to feel shame about your efforts) if you set small, manageable goals. No starting point is too small.  

Even postural changes can have a huge impact on your mental wellbeing. What happens if you raise your chin? Sit up a little straighter? Stretch out your arms?  

But what if movement is painful or difficult? Studies show that micro movements (like gently flexing your fingers) or even imagining movement can be hugely beneficial when it comes to elevating mood.  

#2 : Connect with Others 

Connection is really important. Reaching out to a trusted friend or family member can make a huge difference. Maybe you can ask for what you need from them: a chat, a hug, a walk, or just someone to be there while you watch TV.  

Even if talking with others feels impossible, taking yourself to a coffee shop, park or library – somewhere conversation and connection exists ‘in the wild’ – can be a gentle way of opening yourself up to connection with others. 

#3 : Get Some Sunlight 

Lack of sunlight can really impact how we feel in darker months. If you can, get a serotonin boost by spending time outside during daylight hours. 

#4 : “Me Time”  

Taking a break for yourself can help you to reset. If your low mood is mixed up in feelings of isolation or loneliness, it is important to recognise that “Me Time” is not just about being by yourself. It is a great opportunity to be specific about what you will do to bring a little joy and relaxation. Don’t just tell yourself you’ll make time – set the time! Carve it out in your calendar and be specific about what you’re going to do, when and where. It doesn’t have to be expensive or take lots of effort. It can be as simple as: singing along to your favourite song, reading a chapter of a book, or doodling in a notebook. 

#5 : Ask for Help 

If your emotions feel too heavy to handle, ask for the support you need. You might want to ask for help from people you know or trust, or you may want to seek professional support. You can speak to your GP, or discover the options available through organisations such as Samaritans, Mind, Campaign Against Living Miserably, Young Minds. For Easy-Read support content, check out Mencap’s advice.   

Final Thoughts 

The thing with urban myths – those not-entirely-true stories and ideas that circulate in society – is that they capture our imaginations, and reflect something true about the reality of life as a human being. Perhaps the ‘Blue Monday’ myth is an annual gift to us, reminding us to check in with our mental health. The world is a colourful place, and blue is a part of the beautiful spectrum. There are many other vibrant and striking colours at our disposal too. 

Abacus Care & Support is a provider of Supported Living Services for adults with learning disabilities, autism, behavioural needs, complex care needs and complex mental health conditions. We view mental wellbeing as crucial to living a fulfilled and independent life. Our staff are trained to provide individuals with the best possible support, in line with their needs, goals and preferences. 


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