What are the Benefits of Domiciliary Care?
What is it? Domiciliary or in-home care, designed to support you in your right to live independently. We provide quality home visits which put you or your loved one at the focus. A personalised care plan is designed to champion your unique situation and lifestyle needs. This could involve assistance with health and medical care, clinical care, help with household tasks and mealtimes, assistance during outings and of course, meaningful companionship. We are dedicated to getting to know you, so that we can be sure our domiciliary care empowers you to be where you want to be and do what you want to do. Who is it for? Anybody in need of personal support in the home can make use of domiciliary care services. Typically (but not exclusively) this service benefits olderindividuals who want specialist care in the comfort of their own home. We see domiciliary care as an option which puts you in the driving seat: in control of the support you want to receive. In-home support is a great option if your priority is independence. Rest assured that if you opt for domiciliary care, our priority is you. Why does it work? Nobody could doubt that 2020 has been a tough year. Many have been hit with newfound isolation and loneliness. Sadly, the loneliness that can be typical in older people has been exaggerated during this time. As we age, we are more susceptible to mental ill health and according to WHO[1], depression is the number one contributor to ill health and disability – but we know that this is something entirely treatable. By inviting a specialist carer into your home, you are not left to deal with life’s difficulties alone. The problems you have are the problems we want to solve, and whether the solution can be found through a chat over tea, or something a little more complex, we are willing to do the searching. For information about Abacus Care & Supports’ domiciliary care (Home Care) services please call us on 07934498020/ 02071001680, or email us at enquiries@abacuscaresupport.co.uk. [1] WHO, Depression, (who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression)
What are the Benefits of Domiciliary Care? Read More »