Abacus Care & Support


What are the Benefits of Domiciliary Care?

What is it? Domiciliary or in-home care, designed to support you in your right to live independently. We provide quality home visits which put you or your loved one at the focus. A personalised care plan is designed to champion your unique situation and lifestyle needs. This could involve assistance with health and medical care, clinical care, help with household tasks and mealtimes, assistance during outings and of course, meaningful companionship. We are dedicated to getting to know you, so that we can be sure our domiciliary care empowers you to be where you want to be and do what you want to do.   Who is it for? Anybody in need of personal support in the home can make use of domiciliary care services. Typically (but not exclusively) this service benefits olderindividuals who want specialist care in the comfort of their own home. We see domiciliary care as an option which puts you in the driving seat: in control of the support you want to receive. In-home support is a great option if your priority is independence. Rest assured that if you opt for domiciliary care, our priority is you.   Why does it work? Nobody could doubt that 2020 has been a tough year. Many have been hit with newfound isolation and loneliness. Sadly, the loneliness that can be typical in older people has been exaggerated during this time. As we age, we are more susceptible to mental ill health and according to WHO[1], depression is the number one contributor to ill health and disability – but we know that this is something entirely treatable. By inviting a specialist carer into your home, you are not left to deal with life’s difficulties alone. The problems you have are the problems we want to solve, and whether the solution can be found through a chat over tea, or something a little more complex, we are willing to do the searching. For information about Abacus Care & Supports’ domiciliary care (Home Care) services please call us on 07934498020/ 02071001680, or email us at enquiries@abacuscaresupport.co.uk.  [1] WHO, Depression, (who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression)

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Making the Most of Life at Home as We Face another Lockdown

  2020 has been a tough year for us all. As we face a second lockdown, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the restrictions placed on us. Instead of focusing on what we can no longer do, let’s think about what is important to keep doing. Keep in touch There’s nothing wrong with a good old phone call or letter, although 2020 has been the year of the video call. Popular platforms to use are WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Zoom and Skype. Keep active Get up and move position at regular intervals. Go for a walk or spend time in the garden. Something as simple as giving your body a shake can warm up your muscles before having a stretch. Click here for a guide to simple exercises that can be done at home. Keep busy Continue the activities you already love, or try your hand at something new. Gardening, reading, cooking, painting or drawing are all stimulating tasks. Click here to learn the basics of knitting, or head to Google Arts and Culture to virtually visit some of the world’s greatest attractions! Keep on top of supplies Switch to online shopping if it makes shopping for essentials more accessible. Alternatively, ask a neighbour or loved one for assistance. If you are going out to shop, find out if your local supermarket is hosting priority hours that will better support your needs. Keep an eye on your health If the pandemic is causing you to feel anxious, tell someone. Telling your GP is the best thing you can do, and sharing worries with your friends, family or carer can help to ease the burden. Be honest about your physical health, too – your GP is there to help, so don’t worry about contacting them if you feel something is not right.   If following the government guidelines is difficult, you need to communicate this. Make sure other people are aware of your concerns. The government have designed ‘please give me space’ badges which you can download here, and exemption from face covering badges which can be found here.   *Abacus Care & Support has operations in London and Hertfordshire, having grown from a local family business that started in Letchworth. We are particularly keen to continue to grow our presence and impact in North Hertfordshire, including via our Stevenage, Hitchin and Letchworth care services. For information about Abacus Care & Supports’ domiciliary care (Home Care) services please call us on 07934498020/ 02071001680, or email us at enquiries@abacuscaresupport.co.uk.   

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How we’re caring safely and superbly during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Challenge and the Commitment 2020 has imposed an enormous medical, social and economic strain on our nation and on our world. The impact has been severe and costly. At Abacus Care & Support, we won’t pretend the challenge isn’t significant, but it doesn’t outweigh our desire to ensure the clients in our area* receive home caring services which are both safe and superb. Safe Standards We are committing to the following in our home caring services: Increasing levels of infection control Regularly updating our contingency plans to identify those most at risk Following government guidance Consulting with those we support and updating their ‘future wishes’ in the event of COVID-19 contraction Maintaining our Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Regular temperature checks of staff and clients Logging all suspected cases Helping our staff and clients to access testing This list is indicative of our safety measures, but not exhaustive. Get in touch with us directly for more information. Superb Service We are committed to maintaining high standards across all our home caring services, and to rising to the new challenges this year has presented. We are determined to address issues of loneliness and grief as well as the restrictions to work, social and physical events placed on our clients. We will do this by prioritising companionship and physical activity, and listening to our clients and their families so we better understand the unique pressures facing them during this difficult time. The mass of information surrounding the pandemic can feel overwhelming. Here are a few key sources which may seem particularly helpful or relevant to you: UK – Coronavirus (COVID-19): Adult social care guidance Age UK – Coronavirus Guidance NHS England – Coronavirus > Mental health, learning disabilities and autism   *Abacus Care & Support has operations in London and Hertfordshire, having grown from a local family business that started in Letchworth. We are particularly keen to continue to grow our presence and impact in North Hertfordshire, including via our Stevenage, Hitchin and Letchworth care services. For information about Abacus Care & Supports’ domiciliary care (Home Care) services please call us on 07934498020/ 02071001680, or email us at enquiries@abacuscaresupport.co.uk. 

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Considering Respite Care at Home? Here’s What You Need To Know

  What is Respite Care? We all need a break sometimes. A change of scenery can benefit us all. For both care givers and receivers, respite can provide a healthy, temporary change to your schedule. Whether you need somebody to step in for a few hours or a few days, with Abacus Care & Support you can have confidence that the high level of support you expect for yourself or your loved one will be met. We work with trained and compassionate care givers to ensure that the personal, medical, domestic, and social care your situation needs is maintained to the highest standard when you receive respite care at home. How will Respite Care at Home benefit me and the person I care for? Having at home Respite Care can be hugely beneficial for everyone involved. It’s not uncommon for care-givers to feel guilt or unease about taking a break, but allowing a trained professional to step in could be exactly what you need to feel refreshed and reinvigorated: able to give your loved one the support they deserve. Respite care adds someone with a breadth of care experience to your support system – someone who understands what you’re going through and can introduce you to innovative methods, ideas or equipment that will better help you to help the one you care for. Most importantly, Respite Care at home also benefits the person receiving care. Inviting a new person into your care situation can positively impact the mental and emotional wellbeing of an individual whose condition or situation lends itself to feelings of isolation, providing a new and fresh source of companionship. Temporary respite can also be a helpful way for an individual to deal with the transition into a more permanent change in care or living situation. We understand that considering respite care at home may feel like a big step. Big steps are usually better taken together. Get in touch with our team to discuss how we can help you on your care journey.   For information about Abacus Care & Supports’ Respite Care services please call us on 07934498020/ 02071001680, or email us at enquiries@abacuscaresupport.co.uk.  https://abacuscaresupport.co.uk/  

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COVID – 19

Dear All, We wanted to write to you with a quick update on how we are operating at the moment in regards to COVID- 19. We are closely and constantly monitoring the situation and are following all advice and guidelines as laid-out by the government and the World Health Organisation. We are working hard to ensure we are following the best practices that will help us keep our staff and customers safe in these uncertain times. We will be in touch as and when there are any updates with another update when there are any changes. Please do all to stay safe. With very best wishes, Mavis Registered Manager

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